It is a good thing to celebrate the ongoing work of God’s people in a church and through her leaders.
Last Sunday, most of the Hawaii CIrcuit celebrated the installation of Pastor Bob Mabry together with his wife, Tara, He was on staff at Good Shepherd several years back when Jeff Mueller, now at Waikaloa was the Pastor. But there is always a story ...
Opportunities, and people change over the years of a church’s existence. But there is always a chance to begin anew or start something new. Sometimes there needs to be a time of healing and re-evaluation. Good Shepherd in Honolulu found itself at one of those times for re-evaluation in the summer of 2020. Could God rebuilld and start something new? The pieces were there: a flourishing pre-school, an other language ministry, and committed lay leadership, but the energy was depleted.
Pastor Les Self, a former teacher and pastor for many years in the CNH served his 3rd interim in Hawaii beginning in late 2020 at Good Shepherd. He and Sharon were a blessing of stability, Gospel influence and healing.
In the summer of 2022 Intentional Interim Pastor Tim Cartwright came to both Good Shepherd in Honolulu and Messiah Lutheran in Ewa Beach. The intention was to consider if a thriving dual parish could be built between these two parishes. However, God had different plans. Both congregations were able to build sufficient stability and strength under the able and mission focused leadership of Cartwright, who was accompanied by his sacrificial wife Marlys. New Dreams were dreamed, and doors were opening for a new beginning. Debt was eliminated, God provided new baptisms. Families and connections were made and there was growth and vision flowing from God’s Word.
One of the strengths identified in the Good Shepherd Congregation was the pre-school which continues to thrive under its able and capable leadership, another was the Palauan fellowship, Ungil Chais, that had been brought into the orbit of Good Shepherd congregation, culminating when Uchel Naito, (a long-term deacon), was able to complete the route to become an SMP colloquy pastor. (Former pastor Phil Beyer was instrumental in encouraging and assisting Naito).
We thank God for this new chapter at Good Shepherd! What will God do within his church to plant and continue to replant something new? Pastor Bob and Tara together with Pastor Uchel and Alene and lay leaders like Warren Naai and others at Good Shepherd are watching and expecting that God will be at work in their neighborhood and through their congregation. One in Every One. What are the new opportunities in your community?