Prayer Requests
DATE UPDATED: 4/16/2024
Circuit 10
Bethlehem, Carson City, NV
Shepherd of the Sierra, Carson City, NV
Our Savior, Chester, CA
Trinity, Gardnerville, NV
St. Luke, Reno, NV
Our Savior, Sparks, NV
St. Paul, Susanville, CA
For Nancy Bliese, wife of Rev. Karl Bliese, pastor emeritus, as her cancer has returned. Please also pray for Rev. Bliese, as Nancy is his caregiver.
For Chaplain Erik Neider, Camp Pendleton, CA, who will be stationed in Okinawa with his unit from May – November 2024.
For Rev. Freeman Li, Santa Cruz, CA, who recently suffered a stroke.
For the family of Rev. Robert Kriger, pastor emeritus, who was called to glory on Wednesday, April 3.
Ongoing prayers / various health needs:
For peace in the Middle East.
For God’s comfort and peace for the people of Maui. Ask God to give strength and wisdom to the members of Emmanuel, Kahului, Maui, as they minister to so many who are going through challenging times due to the fire.
For congregations of the CNH District, as they consider ideas for “1 in Every One,” the initiative that was developed at the 2022 District Convention – to start one new ministry in each circuit of the District by 2025.
For encouragement for all at our District schools: principals, teachers, students, and parents.
Rev. Jeff Morey, Trinity, Stockton, CA
Rev. Norm Milz, pastor emeritus
Rev. Dr. John (Jack) Geach, pastor emeritus
Rev. John Huss, Peace, Arroyo Grande, CA, for the Lord to provide wisdom for ongoing treatment and his restoration to health
Rev. Larry A. Miller, pastor emeritus
Rev. Darrill Sandberg, pastor emeritus
Rev. Ray Kringel, pastor emeritus, and wife, Norma, his caregiver
Rev. David Chan, Faith, South San Francisco
Rev. Chris DelCol, pastor emeritus
Rev. Mark Haas, pastor emeritus
Rev. Bill Plath, pastor emeritus
Cheryl, wife of Rev. Hank Scherer, pastor emeritus
Rev. Ted Iverson, pastor emeritus